"The Funniest Stand-Up Alive"
Critics, fans and fellow comedians agree, Brian Regan is one of the most respected comedians in the country, with Vanity Fair calling Brian “the funniest stand-up alive” and Entertainment Weekly calling him “your favorite comedian’s favorite comedian.” Having built his 30-plus year career on the strength of his material alone, Brian’s non-stop tour continuously fills the most beautiful venues across North America, visiting close to 100 cities each year.
A regular on “The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon,” Brian is the rare guest who the show invites on for two segments, a performance segment and a segment on the couch to chat with Jimmy. Previously, Brian was a regular guest on “The Late Show with David Letterman,” making 28 appearances on the CBS show. Other appearances have included The Audience Network’s new TV series, “Loudermilk,” a scene-stealing cameo in Chris Rock’s film, “Top Five,” Jerry Seinfeld’s “Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee” and a live broadcast of a performance at Radio City Music Hall.
Tickets are $39.50 and $49.50 depending on seat locations, with a limit of eight tickets per purchase. Please contact the box office at 877.571.SHOW (7469) for more information.
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